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Why is my BrainHi phone number changing?
Why is my BrainHi phone number changing?
Updated over a week ago

One of BrainHi's main goals is to continuously maintain the deliverability of the text messages that our customers send through the BrainHi platform. To do this, we update and exchange regular phone numbers.

These changes require no action on your part and will not interrupt BrainHi's service. What your team will notice is more consistency in the deliverability of your text messages.

Frequently asked questions

Can I keep my current number?

Your current number will remain active for receiving calls and messages, and you will continue to see messages received at the current number on your BrainHi portal. When Lara, BrainHi's automated virtual assistant, or you reply to one of these messages, your customer will receive the reply from the new number assigned to their account.

Do I need to change anything in my call forwarding settings?

No. This change only focuses on text messages.

Will my clients notice any changes?

Your customer will not notice any change when they call your business and BrainHi picks up the call. After any phone number reassignment, if the customer writes to your old number, BrainHi will reply using the new number assigned to your account.

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