Automated Reminders

Learn how to configure BrainHi to send reminders for your appointments automatically, saving valuable time for your staff

Updated over a week ago

BrainHi has calendar integrations with various systems of record. This integration allows us to confirm appointments automatically. Currently we integrate with OpenDental, SecureClaim and PracticeFusion.

BrainHi fetches appointments from you calendar throughout the day. You can always see what appointments BrainHi has fetched from the Appointments view. You must enable automated reminder messages in BrainHi's Settings.


You can configure up to two (2) days for appointment reminders to be sent for each weekday. Reminder messages can be set up to a week in advance.

Enable the "Include pending appointments in reminders" option and BrainHi will send reminder messages for both confirmed and pending appointments.

In the Messages section you can configure the text of the reminder message to be sent:

Now simply wait until your configured date and time and BrainHi will send automated reminder messages for every appointment synced from your calendar.

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